Le Tutour Nicolas
Country of origin
450,00 €
2 500,00 €

2 200,00 €
Last act
Le Tutour Nicolas
Oil painting, Survival in the Apocalypse(31.50" x 23.62")

750,00 €
VIR - bee and cherry
Le Tutour Nicolas
Bee and Cherry Oil Painting | Night Blue background(15.75" x 15.75")

800,00 €
The one who can please
Le Tutour Nicolas
Symphony on Canvas: the Bee and the Violin intermingle(15.75" x 15.75")

450,00 €
Honey fly
Le Tutour Nicolas
Bee and Honey: marbled Painting, Round Format(Circular canvas of 11.81" diameter x )

2 500,00 €
Past and Future - Apis
Le Tutour Nicolas
Minimalist Art: Oil Painting, Bee caught in Amber(3'37" x 31.89")
Rest of the World, France

750,00 €
GILE - bee and jar of honey
Le Tutour Nicolas
Painting, the bee and the jar of honey | Night Blue background(15.75" x 15.75")

2 200,00 €
The bee and death
Le Tutour Nicolas
Animal Art in Oils - Minimalist Painting with Skull and Bee(31.50" x 23.62")

1 900,00 €
Le Tutour Nicolas
Animal painting: Luminous Bee, blue night horizon(15.75" x 47.24")

2 200,00 €
Genesis 9 :2
Le Tutour Nicolas
Animal oil painting | Bee facing human negligence(23.62" x 31.50")

1 500,00 €
VIR-GILE - bee and cherry
Le Tutour Nicolas
Bee, Honey and Cherry painting | Night Blue background(15.75" x (15.75" + 15.75"))

2 200,00 €
Le Tutour Nicolas
Rock Painting, Bee and Honey gathering(23.62" x 31.50")

2 200,00 €
Le Tutour Nicolas
Dazzling Bee: Radiant Painting(23.62" x 31.50")

2 200,00 €
About the Nature of Things
Le Tutour Nicolas
Animal Painting in Oil | Nature in War | Bee(23.62" x 31.50")

2 200,00 €
Annum Domini
Le Tutour Nicolas
Animal Painting in Oil | Danger of Pesticide | Bee(23.62" x 31.50")

2 200,00 €
Le Tutour Nicolas
Animal Painting in Oil: Poisoned Earth, Sunflower and Bee(23.62" x 31.50")

2 200,00 €
Earth and Sky
Le Tutour Nicolas
Animal Oil Painting: Bees and Freedom(23.62" x 31.50")