Bee, Honey and Cherry painting | Night Blue background
VIR-GILE - bee and cherry
Le Tutour Nicolas
Height : 15.75"
Width : (15.75" + 15.75")
Weight : 1.796 lb
Unique artwork - Free delivery in France - For international delivery, please contact us

1 500,00 €
Record n°
Sweet Harmony - 2 Bees, 1 Cherry and 1 Jar of Honey in an Oil Painting
Collection "APIS" - diptych NO.15 - Italian format
Short story in two times and which are only one.
In sinister, the bee and the cherry, symbol of the passion, it will often be painted in the hands of Christ.
The bee facing the passions of man, whose Latin name "VIR" is evoked in the background.
In dexter, our Apis facing this treasure of a life, this share of honey that it will produce all its life...
This honey is a golden symbol, as "GILE" reminds us.
The union of these two symbols sends us back to the one who was one of the most beautiful storytellers of bees, VIRGILE.
Availability: Immediate
Delivery time : 10-15 days
Returns: 14 days
Place of production: Celtland - Brittany
Method of Production: Manual
Rarity / World: 1
Rarity / KerluxY: 0
Le Tutour Nicolas
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