Animal painting: Luminous Bee, blue night horizon
Le Tutour Nicolas

Animal Oil Canvas: Artistic Ode to a Blue Night
Symbolic Painting Collection "APIS" - Oil on canvas NO.6 -Italian format
This is how many thinkers, theologians and philosophers described our dear bees. The bee carrying light, what a positive and poetic image at the same time! This name sent Nicolas Le Tutour back to gnomonic, the art of sundials.
The artist was able to study many aspects of it when he made the painting II and discovered that gnomonics was also called "the science of shadows" and for good reason. It is the shadow, and therefore the light, that makes the dial. He wanted the bee and gnonomics to meet, for the time of a painting.
The creators of sundials used to put Latin mottos on their creations. One of them seemed to him to be made for the bees "Me lumen vos umbra regit (The light guides me when you are the shadow)". The bee in flight, therefore in movement, image of life, carrying the light that illuminates the surface it touches, directly addresses this message to us, to us who possess this great part of darkness that is sometimes devastating...
Le Tutour Nicolas
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