Nude woman dressed with flowers
The Flower Woman
Jourdan Servane
Height : 21.65"
Width : 17.72"
Weight : 3.1526 lb
Unique artwork
1 200,00 €
Record n°
Oil painting, Nude woman covered with red and white flowers
The Flower Woman takes root in nature. Naked as the plants, she is dressed in white flowers with the jasmine and the wolf's mouth, and in red flowers with the hibiscus, the Strelitzia (bird of paradise) and the berries.
The painting could have been entitled Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Description: harmonious tricolored canvas (ochre-red-green). Bust portrait, woman in profile with long jet-black hair. The vegetation in bloom is rooted against her as on a trunk.
Availability: Immediate
Delivery time : 10 days
Returns: 14 days
Place of production: Celtland - Brittany
Method of Production: Manual
Rarity / World: 1
Rarity / KerluxY: 1
Jourdan Servane
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