Contemporary minimalist painting | Art in black & white
Animal Flying

Paugam Daniel Professional

Height : 19.69"
Width : 3'37"
Weight : 2.6455 lb
Unique painting
Celtland-Brittany France
800,00 €
Record n°


Modern design painting | Abstract canvas

The minimalist painting unfolds against an immaculate background. The brushstrokes are concentrated on generous areas of deep black, which dominate almost the entire canvas. At the center of this composition, a flying animal emerges. The artist plays with contrasts, evoking a tension between emptiness and density, darkness and light.

Simplicity and power embody the very essence of contemporary art.

Material: acrylic, broad brushstrokes


Availability: Immediate
Delivery time : 15 days
Returns: 14 days
Place of production: Celtland-Brittany, France
Method of Production: Manual
Rarity / World: 1
Rarity / KerluxY: 1

Paugam Daniel Professional

Discover the Artist / the Creator
Paugam Daniel