1913 -
The Abstract movement
The abstract movement appeared around 1913 when Vassily Kandinsky, a Russian painter, claimed to have painted the first abstract subject. The artistic composition abstracts from any visual reality. On the canvas, geometric or curved shapes are mixed with colors... or not. The black bichrome background is very represented. The interpretation of an abstract art canvas is multiple, free to everyone to decipher the pictorial.
2022 - The Abstract artists of KERLUXY
-colorist of dance and life- proposes:
« Suburban tubular cities » abstract in black and white under plexi,
« Distant landscape » black and white abstract with large flat areas,
« The 2 birds » black and white wide-plate abstract,
« The Blue Cave » a sort of inside world,
« Animal running »,
« Tao Tse Toung No2 »,
« Large-winged Animal » brilliant abstract with colors of fire,
« Petal-eye », red shades drawing an eye,
« The fan-algae » gradations of pink to red,
« The half butterfly » gradations of ochre and blue,
« The poppy » gradations of red,
« Yellow Ubister » sedimantary limestone rocks,
« The seaside path » abstract with 3 primary colors,
« Daydreaming in an armchair » straw yellow dominance,
« Animal Flying »,
« Cuddle »,
« The Card to Play »,
« Happy Garden No2 »,
« Wild Animal »;
. Twoodje proposes unstructured paintings and drawings. From the colourful interlacing emerges a portrait with diverse expressions.
è Discover his paintings:
« The Four Friends »,
« Blue-eared one-eye »,
« Blue Portrait »,
« The 2 Catalans »,
« White cheeked face »,
« The invible one »,
« The Don Quixotte of Asserack »,
«Kid of the dawn » ;
è Discover his drawings :
« Zebra face »,
« 4-eyed face »,
« Blue haired face »,
« Face with blue-green background »,
« Mother lacking »,
« Green face »,
« The blue-green with 4216 points »,
« Luco face »,
« Face with a yellow rectangle »,
« The prisoner »,
« Short portrait »,
« Striped face with a yellow hair strand »,
« Face roots »
he dialogues with the invisible and proposes his paintings:
« Banquises »,
« Winter »,
« The large hulls »,
« With the wind »,
« The tugboat ».
- MODERN ART (1850-1945)
Modern Art begins with the Impressionist painters. Pictorial Art takes a momentum far from the classical movements. The colours are pure and even juxtaposed by small touches. Modern Art is also multiple (photography, cinema, decorative arts...).
- CONTEMPORARY ART (from 1945 to the present)
Works created since the end of the Second World War are considered to be Contemporary Art, regardless of their style. To qualify a work as Contemporary Art is to recognise the avant-garde nature of the piece.