Solenn Le Couviour
World, France
Our friendship dates back to our meeting one evening in September at the Breton Mission. In Paris, we had enrolled in the Breton language course there with the same love for language treasures.
Solenn Le Couviour is rich in two mother tongues, Italian and French. English, Breton, Portuguese and Spanish have no secrets for her. She is now learning Russian and German.
Actress, dancer, translator, the solar woman surprises us at every moment.
Molte grazie, mia cara amica
2020- "Tout ce que je porte" by Julia Mugnier
2019- "Romance", TV series by Hervé Hadmar / France 2
"Plus de pommes au jardin d'Eden" by Isabelle Ricard
2017- "Photo de famille" by Cécilia Rouaud
2016- "Les ex" by Maurice Barthélém
"Un goût d'amertume" by A.Petrone (SUI)
2015- "White House" -Jackie Kennedy- by P.Larrain (US)
"Petits secrets en famille" - TF
2014- "Olfactif" by Isabelle Ricard
Teaser "Catacombes", Maker Studio (US)
2015- Operette Morali by Leopardi, mes Alfio Sesto, Catania
2013- Approches. Chorégraphie Nina Dipla. Brescia
2011- Vocal Jazz, Teatro Pazzo. Théâtre de Ménilmontant
2007- Poesia e music. Creation by Orientale Napoli
2001- Guantanamo des tortures, m.e.s Claudio Gio
Dancer in a Clip by Alexander de Liset Alea (UK)
. coaching/repeater Salvatore Esposito (Gomorra)
. film TAXI 5, stage translator
. translation of THE FILM "La der des der" by Patrice Gillain
. Paris Film Académie
. Studio Nadine Georges (Londres)
. Studio 18 : formation tango et danse contemporaine
. Orientale di Napoli : formation théâtrale
. Théâtre de l'Atelier