Symphony on Canvas: the Bee and the Violin intermingle
The one who can please

Le Tutour Nicolas

Height : 15.75"
Width : 15.75"
Weight : 1.7196 lb
Unique artwork
Celtland-Brittany France
Solidarity and Ecology
800,00 €
Record n°


Oil Painting | Echo of Autumn, between Notes and Nectar, the Violin and the Bee

Symbolic Canvas Collection "APIS" nO16 

"Who knows how to please", this is how the name of Euterpe, the muse who presided over music, was translated in ancient Greek.

The nine Muses, who also presided over poetry, were associated with Apollo, himself God of music and the arts.

And what muses were not, from time immemorial, our dear Apis for many thinkers, poets, theologians and other people of letters!

And the composers did not escape their charms either. Schubert, Couperin, Korsakov, Rachmaninov... all were touched by this subtle muse.

And if we could listen a little more, we would here her whispering the maxim "Gnothi seauton" -"Know thyself", which was engraved at the entrance of the temple of Apollo in Delphi, inviting us to temperance and to a little more wisdom...

May you, Lady Apis, inspire us all.



A violin and a bee on a background resembling the tomb of Franz Schubert.


Availability: Immediate
Delivery time : 10-15 days
Returns: 14 days
Place of production: Celtland - Brittany
Method of Production: Manual
Rarity / World: 1
Rarity / KerluxY: 1