Slender Wood Sculpture : the Art of the Spire
Talek Chañ Klaod
Height : 5 ft 10,87
Weight : 11.0231 lc
Unique Work of Art
3 500,00 €
Record n°
Celestial Elegance : Wood Sculpture Inspired by the Spine
Contemporary Garden Design | Long-line Design Wood Sculpture
Discover the essence of purity and grace with our "Kanaroviruses" sculpture, rising to a height of 5 ft 11.
This slender Work of Art reminds us of the delicacy of a spine, capturing attention with its immaculate whiteness and form.
The hollowed-out sculpture in natural white wood reveals outgrowths that seem to sprout from the structure itself.
It is also the symbol of an acaryote, a particle without a nucleus.
Metal base
Delivery on estimate for any destination outside France, request to be made to
Availability: Immediate
Delivery time : 15 days
Returns: 14 days
Place of production: Celtland-Brittany, France
Rarity / World: 1
Rarity / KerluxY: 1
Talek Chañ Klaod
Discover the Artist / the Creator