Blue modern abstract painting with gold sheet
Jemy Art
Height : 15.75"
Width : 15.75"
Unique painting
Rest of the World, France
550,00 €
Record n°
Contemporary painting | Design decoration
The canvas is rich in interpretation: the colors of the French flag emerge with a blue-white-red with blurred boundaries.
There's only one thing we can be sure of: the blueness in French rhymes with Liberty-Equality-Fraternity!
Is the foreground a particularly cruel scene of war? Or the arrival on a land to be built on, with buildings in the rough?
The central white border is a demarcation line, could it be an airlock between two incompatible spaces?
Material: acrylic and Gold sheet
Availability: immediate
Delivery time : 8 days
Returns: 14 days
Place of production: Rest of the World - France
Method of Production: manual
Rarity / World: 1
Rarity / KerluxY: 1
Jemy Art
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