Heollene Créations Broderie d'art

Heollene combines Lunéville embroidery with needlework and gold embroidery. When she arrived in Brittany, she took up embroidery on traditional Breton costumes. But it was while watching the movie "Embroiderers" by Eléonore Faucher that Lunéville embroidery (widely used in Haute Couture) became obvious to her.

Threads intertwine, pearls are added and sequins are applied. Most of the materials, threads or sequins, are made in France (DMC, au Ver à soie, Fil au chinois, Langlois-Martin...). The work takes more than 8 hours to complete, and can take up to 100 hours for certain delicate pieces.

Heollene's decorative pieces are veritable interior jewels, inspired by flora and fauna.


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